Saturday, November 3, 2012

Best Games For Pc

List of best games 
Keeping in my mind Graphics, Story, Gameplay, Options ,Characters, Multiplayer, Promotions.
 Some games are in franchise so the rating is taken an average rating.


2. Grand Theft Auto
3. Call Of duty MW3
4. Ghost Recon Future Soldier
5. Splinter Cell
7. Minecraft
8. Battlefield
9. Far Cry
10.Brother in Arms


Choosing Game

Al mostly everyone's likes playing games. I have experience of just playing games on PC so I can only talk about PC gaming. And my opinion about gaming is limited to PC gaming. Other good and well known platforms like xbox, play stations, wii etc. are also used for gaming purposes widely. I never used it. So I cannot say anything about it. Ok the pleasurable thing I like in PC gaming is its console (keyboard). It is excellent for gaming because we have more options. And usually most of the keys are used in game. I mean you have full control of what you want to do. In simple words, your interaction with game is better. Now let's explain choosing the better game to play. Choosing the good game is I think big problem for just like me persons as I prefer graphic of the game. And now it's easy for me to choose the game because I have some points on the basis of which i can choose what game to buy.
first and most important step is to buy game of the popular and promising publisher. If you are gamer so you probably know which publisher is good. For beginners I suggest in 100 games prefer ubisoft's game. because they have all spices in its games. Furthermore, you will like EA sports, activition etc.
First step: See the requirement of the game coz if you buy game, which is not compatible with your PC you will be sorry.

Second step: Size of the game if the game is 9gb and you have the best graphic card pick it because it will have most options and best graphics as well as lengthy mission.

Third Step: Look for franchise of the game as most games have interesting stories like, assassin creed if you complete its first chapter so wa for its upcoming chapter.
Fourth Step: Is to choose the genre of the game, and I will suggest you fps, First-Person Shooter. The genre is important to check because if you like shooting you will buy shooting game, If you are a sportsman you will buy a sports game, if you are fond of reading spy's books, you will buy spy games.
And if you like politics you will choose a strategy, etc.
Fifth step, choose the game which gives you many things to do many weapon's best areas to play.

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Dirty Jobs

The most famous festival 'Eid' Is tomorrow. All are happy, but not me and my friends. Why because we have to sacrifice (Qurbani) tomorrow. That's not the reason we are unhappy the actual concern is to clean its stomach because it is the part of sacrifice,which is definitely a hard task to do. And all our days before Eid is uninteresting and Unsympathetic. Some are planned not to attend. Which was baseless? Anyway, it's the morning we are going to sacrifice (Qurbani).Of course we are happy because Eid is our most important and happiest day of the year. We pray. After that, we have to go to a slaughterhouse. There we met a giant Buffalo that we are going to slaughter. And, our elders began to slaughter. Now they have just finished and are about to be in trouble. That's the moment because of what we are troubling. It's to clean its stomach. We all were trying to hide from elders so that they not invite us to clean it. I got an idea which not succeeds. The idea was to make a fake call, and I will announce that it is called from our house, but it doesn't succeed. I left my mobile at home. And at the end of the day it was me and my friend who are doing the Dirty Job of cleaning stomach, including small intestine as well as large. What can I say I feel the finest fragrance, the finest scent? Well, it was obviously annoying. And, nothing can we do, but to move on. I was upset and after a while I said to my friend with a smile that our parents are too good ya..and he asked me why I answered they will not refuse us to eat with them. If they see us doing this, we will be banned for a lifetime to eat with them. I turn leafy with the continues green west. Actually, the procedure of cleaning is also attractive and so dirty. Cleaning small intestine was interesting because of its procedure is there is a hole in an intestine for easy cleaning. we insert a water pipe at one end, and it cleaned so well that we delighted. And it minimizes our trouble. We have done our job so well, and we are appreciated for doing so.


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